Last week I immersed myself in a week-long Transformational Author Experience, a 32-class online extravaganza that brought 30 authors, editors, and marketing experts right to my laptop. All I had to do was watch and listen and take copious notes. It took me most of six days to do so, but I consider it a worthwhile expenditure of my time.
I gleaned some good marketing ideas and learned of methods that can help prevent procrastination, but in a way, it all boils down to something that can benefit not just writers, but anyone. That something is attitude, and that attitude is this:
In other words, there really are no limits to what you can achieve if you put your mind, heart, and soul—as well as your time—into it. The only limits that really can stop you are the ones you place on yourself.
One of the speakers at this event was Scott Hamilton, champion figure skater who has battled cancer multiple times and survived to tell the tale. His new book is titled How to “Finish First” as an Author … and in Life.
“We all want to be the best person we can be,” he said. “That comes with showing up.”
According to Scott, commitment and repetition are key. His recommendation? “Show up with intention to be a little farther along tomorrow than today.
“Push through the barriers,” he urged. “Finishing first is about setting the bar high, getting there; setting it higher and getting there again, and on and on.”
Scott fell more than 41,600 times in his skating life. How did he become a World Champion and Olympic Gold skater? He just kept getting up again.
Some of the authors and entrepreneurs featured during this event told of how they had had no money and were facing bankruptcy and eviction from their home or were unemployed and living with their parents when they ventured beyond what appeared to be their current, limited reality to reach out to the world with a gift, something of themselves that they felt passionate about and wanted to share.
A book. A course. Counseling. Something transformational that they thought mattered. And apparently it mattered to others, too, for soon these very individuals who had been penniless or worse were well on their way to a very lucrative business. Not because they were chasing money, but because they had something to give to the world and the courage to push past formidable barriers to do exactly that.
They learned to overcome the fear, to ignore their inner critics and the voices of others who tried to convince them that their idea was impractical or unworthy and that they would never succeed.
“Turn up the dial on your tone, your voice, your personality,” advised Marisa Murgatroyd, CEO of Live Your Message. “Fully express your personality even though it may turn some people away. It will also make people fall in love with you.”
“Just be yourself” and “be authentic” were words I heard over and over again. “Don’t be afraid to express yourself.”
So, why not reach for the stars? There’s nothing up there to stop you. The sky is the limit, and as far as we humans are concerned, the sky has no limits.