Away / Aweigh Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: AWAY / AWEIGH The […]
Aural / Oral Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: AURAL / ORAL These […]
Auger / Augur Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: AUGER / AUGUR The […]
Assure / Ensure / Insure Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: ASSURE / ENSURE / […]
Assume / Presume Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: ASSUME / PRESUME These […]
Appraise / Apprise / Apprize Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: APPRAISE / APPRISE / […]
Anxious / Eager Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: ANXIOUS / EAGER Many […]
Amount / Number Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: AMOUNT / NUMBER The […]
Also / Too Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: ALSO / TOO One […]
All Together / Altogether Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: ALL TOGETHER / ALTOGETHER […]