Healthful / Healthy

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: HEALTHFUL / HEALTHY The […]

Head Honcho / Honcho

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: HEAD HONCHO / HONCHO […]

Fewer / Less

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: FEWER / LESS The […]

Farther / Further

Since I started paying close attention to such things around five years ago, I can say that for the fifth year in a row, the […]

Every Day / Everyday

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: EVERY DAY / EVERYDAY […]

Enthuse / Enthusiasm / Enthusiastic

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: ENTHUSE / ENTHUSIASM / […]

Can / May

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: CAN / MAY Have you […]

Anxious / Eager

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: ANXIOUS / EAGER Many […]

Also / Too

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: ALSO / TOO One […]

Affect / Effect

  Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: AFFECT / EFFECT […]