He Said / She Said / They Said

Dialogue Tags

It has been suggested that said is the most beautiful word in the English language, and that is certainly true for writers. Said is short, simple, straightforward and, best of all, unobtrusive. This is what you want when you’re writing a section of dialogue since, most of the time, what’s important to the story is what is being said as opposed to how it’s being said.

Take a look at the following bit of dialogue:

“Kyle, is that cat dead?” asked Serena.

“I doubt it. He’s probably just sleeping,” replied Kyle.

“Should I try to wake him?” inquired Serena.

“That might be a bad idea,” opined Kyle.

“Why?” responded Serena.

“Because that would startle him, and then he might scratch you,” explained Kyle.

“My dad always did say to let sleeping cats lie,” remembered Serena.

“A wise man, no doubt, but I think you mean dogs,” laughed Kyle.

There are several aspects of this passage that are likely not only to annoy readers but, worse yet, to jolt them out of the story altogether:

1 – “More exotic” verbs are used in place of the usual said.

2 – These verbs, which denote that someone is speaking, precede rather than follow the name of the speaker.

3 – The name of the person speaking is used in every single line of dialogue.

4 – Every line of dialogue includes such a dialogue tag.

5 – The verb laughed is used inappropriately in its dialogue tag.

6 – All the dialogue tags come at the end of each line of dialogue.

Readers gloss over the words she said, he said, and they said, their brains pausing for only that fraction of a second needed to note which character is speaking before moving on to the next line in order to get on with the story. Using other words to stand in for said on a regular basis is jarring to the reader and interrupts the flow of the story.

It can also be annoying to the reader when the word said or one of its stand-ins precedes the noun or pronoun that indicates who is speaking. Note that the title of this article is “He Said / She Said / They Said” not “Said He / Said She / Said They.” There is a reason for this. The usual convention in the English language is to put the noun or pronoun before  the verb in a declarative sentence. It is generally considered advisable to break that convention rarely if ever and then only if you wish to emphasize the verb — and how often do you really want to emphasize the word said? — or to improve the flow of the prose.

In the above dialogue example, there are only two people involved in the conversation, Serena and Kyle. Therefore, it is unnecessary (think serious overkill here) to make note of the speaker for each separate line of the conversation. Quote marks at the end of one paragraph and the beginning of the next indicate that the speaker has changed, and since there are only two speakers in this passage, we can easily keep track of who is responding to whom for a few lines once it has been established who the speakers are, that there are only two of them, and which one of them is speaking first. If, on the other hand, this type of conversation goes on for very long, you should indicate who is speaking from time to time so that the reader won’t become confused, especially when returning to the dialogue following a short narrative break.

And remember that you can use those nifty little pronouns — he, she, or they — to denote speakers rather than incessantly repeating their names. Again, readers will gloss over those little pronouns but still pick up on the needed information without being stopped in their tracks by a looming capital letter signaling a character’s name.

As for laughed, that verb should be reserved for when a character is actually laughing, not talking. Have you ever tried to laugh and talk at the same time? It’s not easy, is it? In fact, it’s nearly impossible. So, unless your character is some kind of superhero or alien who can easily perform this feat, I recommend you let your characters say their words rather than laugh them (or breathe them or snort them).

Breaking up the monotony of writing all the dialogue tags at the end of each section of dialogue can improve the reading experience. If your character is speaking more than one sentence before the next character speaks, consider using a dialogue tag (if desired or needed) between two of those sentences rather than saving it for the end of that section of speech.

Even if the dialogue tag is indicating the speaker for a single sentence, you can often strengthen that sentence by inserting the tag somewhere in the middle:

“If you insist on coming along,” he said, “I can’t guarantee your safety.”

Compare this to: “If you insist on coming along, I can’t guarantee your safety,” he said.

Notice how the cadence of the prose emphasizes safety in the first example while the dialogue tag dilutes that emphasis in the second. Writing gurus tell us to put the most important word in the sentence, or the word we want to emphasize, at the end, and said is rarely that word.

I’d like to add one more note regarding the verb asked used in the earlier dialogue example. To say that someone asked rather than said indicates a question has been raised rather than a statement made. On the other hand, a question mark used at the end of the portion of the sentence in quotation marks also indicates a question. So technically, it would be redundant to use the word asked in the dialogue tag of a sentence ending with a question mark. However, this dual notation is quite common and generally accepted, so feel free to use it on occasion.

Taking note of the comments above, we can improve our dialogue passage by revising it like so:

“Kyle, is that cat dead?” Serena asked.

“I doubt it,” he said. “He’s probably just sleeping.”

“Should I try to wake him?”

“That might be a bad idea.”


“Because that would startle him, and then he might scratch you.”

“My dad always did say to let sleeping cats lie.”

“A wise man, no doubt, but I think you mean dogs,” Kyle said with a laugh.

Enough said.

© 2024 Ann Henry, all rights reserved.

Photo: Who, me? © 2016 Ann Henry, all rights reserved.

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