He Said, She Said

It has been suggested that said is the most beautiful word in the English language, and that is certainly true for writers. Said is short, […]

Hanged / Hung

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse writers. I have found the following to be among them: HANGED / HUNG People […]

Founder / Flounder

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse writers. I have found the following to be among them: FOUNDER / FLOUNDER We […]

Farther / Further

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse writers. I have found the following to be among them: FARTHER / FURTHER Farther […]

Enormity / Enormousness

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse writers. I have found the following to be among them: ENORMITY / ENORMOUSNESS More […]

Don’t Just Tell It Like It Is

When you are writing a memoir, blog, or other autobiographical material, treat it like a work of fiction inasmuch as the prose matters. Don’t equate […]

Different From / Different Than

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them: DIFFERENT FROM / DIFFERENT […]

Currently / Presently

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse writers. I have found the following to be among them: CURRENTLY / PRESENTLY The […]

Write What You Know

I must be a born rebel. (Well, I am a Mississippian and I did graduate from Ole Miss…) When it comes to fiction-writing rules, I […]

Compose / Comprise

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse writers. I have found the following to be among them: COMPOSE / COMPRISE One […]