Assume / Presume

Certain sets of words in the English language tend to confuse people. I have found the following to be among them:


These two verbs mean almost the same thing with a subtle difference. To assume is to believe with no evidence or specific knowledge that would indicate that belief to be true while to presume is to believe with no proof but with some evidence or knowledge to indicate that belief to be correct.

INCORRECT: I presume Angela will make a cake for the bake sale since we requested it though she’s never made one before and has always brought cookies instead.

CORRECT: I assume Angela will make a cake for the bake sale since we requested it though she’s never made one before and has always brought cookies instead.

INCORRECT: The captain looked around at his teammates and said, “I assume we’re all intent on winning the game today.” 

CORRECT: The captain looked around at his teammates and said, “I presume we’re all intent on winning the game today.”

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